An all-natural room spray.
You can customize the scent by combining your favorite essential oils.
- cokerewardsfan favorited Diy Room Spray 23 Mar 16:48
- Pimke added Diy Room Spray to Kosmetik 26 Jan 14:12
- Chenna H. favorited Diy Room Spray 11 Jan 23:55
- Moira A. favorited Diy Room Spray 02 Jan 18:18
- MamaMindy added Diy Room Spray to Cleaning Tutorials 11 Nov 20:55
- pandanomz favorited Diy Room Spray 09 Sep 17:34
- Kinhime Dragon added Diy Room Spray to The crafts I've done 02 Aug 17:11
- bkind2me08501 favorited Diy Room Spray 27 Jul 11:51
- Kc F. favorited Diy Room Spray 16 Jul 01:19
- Kitsuné favorited Diy Room Spray 07 Jul 13:24
Step 1
Combine all wet ingredients (water, vodka, essential oil and soap) into a large jar. Shake gently to combine ingredients, but not hard enough to get it too frothy.
Step 2
Decant mixture into a small spray bottle. I was only able to find a clear version for this batch, but I prefer to use an aluminum style since storing the liquid in darkness helps preserve it.
Step 3
Label the leftovers in your large jar with an expiration date of one year- although I’ve never had it last that long!
Step 4
Shake gently before each use!
Kin Dragon
Denton, Texas, US
760 projects
Will perfume work instead of Essence oil?