Make one of the hottest trends this season from old military finds!
This tute is actually very easy, despite the number of steps.
This was made from a old military shirt I found in a closet in the house. I found out it was my dad's, who was in the Air Force. Check your thrift stores or ask your friends if they have any old military issue type clothing just laying around. Military style is hot this fall season, and I feel very lucky to have scored this free find. I'm going to be wearing this all through the cold months.
spychohead added Diy Military Jacket to refashion 11 Oct 18:10
Step 9
I also decided to use the scraps that I cut earlier. I drew and cut out circle shapes. Eight big and eight a little smaller. I frayed the edges a bit by throwing them in the wash since I just happened to be doing laundry. Pin them together with a safety pin so you can find them all after you wash them. I found some rivets and decided to use those to attach my circles.
How did your chains get confiscated?
Yep! At the dollar store. I have to get them while there in cause they go fast!
This is the best!
Well, not the best, but definitely snazzy!
Did you honestly find dog chains at a dollar store? Mine were confiscated. Apparently, they're unladylike
We must be thinking along the same lines when it comes to Army Chic...
And I LOVE the embellishments on your jacket!