the cheaper garbage disposal cleaner
I originally found this on http://www.turnstylevogue.com/2012/03/clean-your-garbage-disposal-with-these/, and it really is simple.
I am currently in the progress of making these, but by tomorrow, I'll have them ready.
But such a great idea, I think you'd probably be able to use oranges or limes as well.
Jen favorited Diy Lemon Garbage Disposal Cleaners 19 Feb 17:45
Eleni Z. favorited Diy Lemon Garbage Disposal Cleaners 26 Mar 10:31
Suzi T. favorited Diy Lemon Garbage Disposal Cleaners 15 Feb 22:43
katie.payne.1804 added Diy Lemon Garbage Disposal Cleaners to Moms projects 21 Dec 22:05
ettigirB favorited Diy Lemon Garbage Disposal Cleaners 17 Dec 04:58
KelliDroze added Diy Lemon Garbage Disposal Cleaners to Furniture 16 Dec 17:32