Handmade Purse
Though it might take a while to make this purse but it's worth it, you'll love it :)
Julie T. commented on Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 11 Aug 23:29
Sveta favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 02 Apr 08:23
ShortHairedGirl favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 01 Jan 03:42
Alissa B. favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 21 Apr 01:28
Glenda W. favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 19 Apr 22:50
charlie d. favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 29 Mar 01:33
bkind2me08501 favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 21 Mar 04:01
gleyse s. favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 20 Mar 01:24
alishba.tehzab favorited Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 19 Mar 14:20
Muhaiminah Faiz published her project Diy Crystal Beaded Purse 18 Mar 08:50
Step 3
Repeat this process until it reaches the required length. When the crystal beaded chain reaches its required length thread the last few beads randomly with the remaining thread to lock the beads. Make a number of crystal beaded chains, as many as you need to complete the purse. Place them side by side to see if they reach the required width. I had to make 8 crystal beaded chains to complete the purse. Make sure that the chains are of the same length.
Step 4
Take a good amount of plastic thread (or 3 times longer than the purses height) and thread a bicone bead into it, set it in the center of the thread. Place 2 crystal beaded chains side by side and insert the thread into the beads of these 2 chains by keeping the threaded bead in the center (see the first picture of this step). Notice that I've colored the thread into 2 colors (yellow and red) for both sides.
Step 12
Sew an interior piece for the purse, I used satin fabric to make it. Insert the interior piece into the crystal beaded exterior piece of the purse. Push the interior piece inside and make sure the edges of both exterior and interior pieces match nicely. Use a needle and thread to stitch the exterior and interior pieces together. Enjoy!