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you might not be able to clear that clutter on your desk - but you can at least make it look better!
i’m certainly not the first to wrap cords in other stuff, but mostly i’ve seen DIYs done with extension cords. i personally don’t have a big extension cord problem in my house. i have a big white apple cord and camera cord and wacom tablet cord problem. specifically on my desk. so i decided i had WAY too many cords sitting around to not do anything about it.

Posted by molly m. from Los Angeles, California, United States • Published See molly m.'s 7 projects »
  • How to make a gadget. Diy Cord Makeover - Step 1
    Step 1

    first - find something good to watch on tv. you'll be wrapping for a while.

    tie a small knot around the first end of your cord.

  • How to make a gadget. Diy Cord Makeover - Step 2
    Step 2

    sew the knot together a ton – if you’re using nylon thread, it’s practically invisible so don’t worry about how it looks. sew until it feels really tight.

  • How to make a gadget. Diy Cord Makeover - Step 3
    Step 3

    sit there and wrap. do it really tightly and keep pushing towards the end you sewed.

  • Step 4

    once you reach the end and have pushed the bungee or twine as far towards the other end as you can, keeping it all tight – tie a knot in the other end, cut and light with your lighter. sew to secure with your needle and thread.

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