hüpfen kleine Krähe
This is my little crow, I listen to a lot of German Industrial music so I have the tendency to name my projects in German. A few months ago I came across these little LED lights (light emitting diodes) that are waterproof, now I wasn't so much interested in them being waterproof as much as the fact that the were small and button operated.
Tierra T. favorited Die Kleine Krähe 14 Nov 21:25
pittysoares favorited Die Kleine Krähe 31 Aug 17:26
pittysoares commented on Die Kleine Krähe 31 Aug 17:26
mariamarta.lee favorited Die Kleine Krähe 08 Jul 20:29
Nancy! added Die Kleine Krähe to Poe 21 Mar 22:09
Rebecca J. favorited Die Kleine Krähe 23 Jan 14:52
Lau5ren favorited Die Kleine Krähe 13 Nov 23:42
Barbara M. favorited Die Kleine Krähe 09 Oct 20:58
Natalie E. added Die Kleine Krähe to Ideas 29 Sep 03:11
Len favorited Die Kleine Krähe 22 Aug 23:32
You Will Need
Step 1
These eyes I scavenged off of an old plastic owl, the kind used to get rid of pests in your yard/garden since owls predate small animals. Drill small holes at first and slowly increase the size. PLEASE wear the proper safety gear because the plastic can and will melt and it is very very hot. I removed the white plastic backing from the eyes to allow light to pass through them.
Step 2
Here I have added some crayola model magic, I used white because I have a lot of it. I took a smooth piece of plastic and dragged it across his face to add a "feather-like" texture. Now you don't need to add nostrils but if you do just remember that birds have their nostrils up high whereas most reptiles have them down low. Allow this to dry a day or two for the best results.
Step 3
Here we have one of those lights. I like the shape of them so it became his body. There is a small tab you must bend in order to push it in and activate the light. I just cut it off because it gets in the way. The LED's themselves are somewhat colorless but depending on the casing the light cast will that color. I painted the outside of the casing black, this will not effect the light because the inner casing is still pink, I painted it so the pink wouldn't show through the fabric. I had a pair of gloves that I removed the fingers from so I used one to cover his body.
Step 5
I glued a tail to the LED's tab, push the tail upwards and his eyes light up, pull it down and they turn off, be careful though because the tab may break. His feet are just little pieces of wood glued to the base by his feet and his wings are little wood embellishments used to decorate cabinets and other woodwork.
süße kleine krähe
grüße aus deutschland ;)
like it!
He looks stunning and cool and awesome specially in the dark.LOL
well done,
thank you for your great tute, and the sharing.