Dark Chocolate Tangerine Slices
We find a simple, juicy tangerine to be one of the great pleasures of life. They are the perfect end to a meal, especially topped with a little dark chocolate and a sprinkle of sea salt. MAKES ABOUT 40 PIECES.
Rebecca Lea G. favorited Dark Chocolate Tangerine Slices 18 Nov 17:57
You Will Need
Step 1
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Step 2
Peel the tangerines.
Step 3
Using a double boiler, melt the dark chocolate.
Step 4
Dip each tangerine slice halfway into the melted chocolate and place on the baking sheet.
Step 5
Sprinkle with salt and repeat with all the slices.
Step 6
Refrigerate for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the chocolate has hardened.