Because easter themed boozy things are hard to find.
I made this caskety half-egg for my Dad this Easter, he loves his rum raisins. I've not specified quantities here as it's a simple ingredients list and would just depend on how big an egg you want to make. It's a little time consuming but well worth it c:
Emily T. published her project Rum Spiked Raisin Easter Egg 17 Apr 07:33
Step 1
In a small bowl or dish, cover the raisins with rum. Leave them in the fridge overnight (or longer), or at the least a few hours. They should soak up the rum and plump a little.
Step 2
Scoop out the raisins and carefully set them on the bars of a cooling rack to dry again. Reserve a few tablespoons of the rum. Drink the rest ye pirates.
Step 3
Once the raisins have dried to the point that they aren't soggy anymore, start melting your chocolate. Use a double boiler or set a glass/ceramic bowl over a slowly simmering pot of water. *make sure the water doesn't boil up to touch the bowl, and that no steam gets into the chocolate as it melts* Remove from heat source just before all the lumps are melted, and stir in the reserved rum (adjust the amount to your tastes).
Step 4
Line a tray with baking paper and pop the raisins on it. Spoon some melted chocolate over each raisin and leave to set (you can use a fridge to fastrack this). These little rum-raisin buds will fill the half egg.
Step 5
Coat half of the egg mould with the remaining chocolate. I found it easier to build up a thick shell by holding the mould in a shallow bowl of icy water, and spreading the chocolate gradually as each new layer set.
Step 6
Before the half-egg sets, drop the raisin buds in (and you can add anything else you might like here too - fruits, lollies, more chocolate?)
Step 7
Leave to set at room temperature, or in the fridge.