A Super Cute Rosette Pillow From a Pair of Pants!
I made this pretty pillow for my sister as a housewarming gift for her new house. I was in camp when she had her housewarming party though so I wasn't able to give it to her until Christmas. It was a lot of fun to sew and kept me busy when I was staying with Aren while he was on a job in Grande Cache. It took me a while since I didn't take it to camp with me. Now that I have a portable machine though (thanks Pris!) I will be able to take stuff with me while I'm out. Awesome!
Key West Witch favorited Cute Rosette Pillow 15 May 17:13
You Will Need
Step 13
As I said, this was a fun project and my sister really likes it which makes it well worth the effort! I am pretty excited about the machine I got for Christmas too as I have been unable to do much as far as crafting goes while I am out in camp. I am thinking that I will finish my Strip Quilt while I am out there.
With each of the fabric circles you need to hand sew a circle of large loose stitches in the centre. These are then pulled together to gather the fabric into a "rose" type shape.Then you know it to keep it from undoing. You will end up with a kind of "tail" piece sticking out of the bottom of the rosette. The smaller piece tucks into the larger with this "tail" and then the larger into the largest. As you tuck the tails in you need to be sewing the smaller piece to the larger one to keep it from coming apart. Once all three pieces are sewn together you sew it to the pillow.
Please let me know if this helped you!