Based on Crocheted Fingerless Gloves/Armwarmers by Emily F.
My daughter saw these and demanded that I make her a pair. Now, they are such a hit, I'm making a pair for all her teen friends for Christmas. :) Awesome idea, and great for those of us who don't crochet too well. LOL
I picked up a skein of multicolored yarn from Walmart, the low cost Super Saver brand for about $ 2.50 (with tax) at Walmart. I used the following hook: G/6-4.25 MM.
I started with measuring the length wanted, then continued from single stitch to double-stitch into a rough square (rough because its not an even square, only enough to cover around the wrist, hand, and lower arm). When finished, I then stitched/weaved the sides, leaving a spot for the thumb, to "put" the glove together. I then turned the gloves inside out so the seam stitching couldn't be seen.
Thanks for the wonderful idea!
You Will Need
Queen of the Sidhe posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!