reusable cotton pads for your face
I don't always use toner on my face, (which I found I should)only because I hated using the cotton balls and hated the idea that they were a one time use. So when I found this, I knew I had to make these.
I didn't know how to do the puff stitch so I had to look that up.
Great tut on that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34OFO9nSJ7E
So when I finally figured that out, I went to town.
I didn't have white cotton yarn, but I figure having the colors didn't really matter as long as I used cotton yarn.
After I use one I wash by hand and then I'm able to always have clean pads for next time use, and nothing to waste! I love that these are reusable (and colorful)
Kriszta I. favorited Crocheted Cotton Pads 05 Feb 09:48
You Will Need
zoë posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
I think it's a great idea to be a little more environmentally friendly, plus it's a lot cheaper than buying them!