..the perfect centrepiece for any table!
This is a great centrepiece for any table AND it's practical.
Each burger filling is a coaster, so not only do you get a fantastic knitted burger, you're also making yourself a 4 piece coaster set made up of cheese, lettuce, tomato and burger, wooop!
For this make you will also need the following knitting skillz: garter and stocking stitch, increasing and decreasing.
The time is a really rouch guide, with a project like this it just depends on how quick you are at knitting! Also, if you want more coasters in your set, you can make it a double whopper with extra everything!!!
Alice N. added Knitted Burger Coaster Set to Room Deco 07 Dec 21:50
Chudames favorited Knitted Burger Coaster Set 06 Apr 21:27
Brielle J. favorited Knitted Burger Coaster Set 07 Aug 17:00
lagrimasDmimo favorited Knitted Burger Coaster Set 04 Jul 02:33
JJ J. added Knitted Burger Coaster Set to plushies 13 Jul 16:47
jacqueline r. favorited Knitted Burger Coaster Set 01 Jun 08:02
kelly.koopman added Knitted Burger Coaster Set to To do 14 Apr 16:49
ZanyDays favorited Knitted Burger Coaster Set 31 Mar 01:09
JJ J. favorited Knitted Burger Coaster Set 16 Mar 15:10
Charlotte H. favorited Knitted Burger Coaster Set 12 Mar 16:43
You Will Need
Step 1
Cheese Slice -
Cast on 24sts with your orange (processed cheese colour yeah!!!) yarn.
Knit 29 rows St stitch. Cast off.
Step 2
Tomato slice
Now get your red yarn and cast on 12 sts.
1.Purl all Sts
2.K1, inc 1 K to last 2 Sts, inc 1, K2.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 four times, you should now have 22 sts on your needle!
Knit 8 rows St St
Now for the decrease
4- K1, K2tog, K to last 3sts, K2tog K1.
5- Purl all sts
Repeat steps 4 and 5 four times, you should now have 12 sts on your needle. Now purl 1 row then cast off!
Step 3
For the main part of the lettuce, follow the instructions for the tomato slice, but use your green lettuce yarn!
To make it look more lettucey, we are going to add a frilly edge.
1- Cast on 148 stitches.
2- Starting with a purl row, K 3 rows St stitch
3- K2tog - rep to end
4- Purl all stitches
5- Cast off
Step 4
Burger (or veggie pattie if you prefer)
Yep, you guessed it, get your brown burger coloured yarn. This one will be worked in Garter Stitch, for a bumpy burger texture!
1- Cast on 12 stitches.
2- K1, inc 1, K to last 2 sts, inc 1, K2.
3- K all sts in row.
Now repeat steps 2 and 3 four times you should now have 20 sts on your needle!
4- K 10 rows garter stitch
5- K1, K2tog, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
6- Knit all stitches in row.
Rep stages 5 and 6 four times, you should now have 12 sts on your needle. Cast off.
Step 5
Burger Bun
For this, you need to make 5 pieces in total, sounds like loads but it’ll be worth it! For the first 4 pieces, use your beige yarn and follow the Tomato pattern. These 4 “circles” will form the tops and bottoms of your burger bun.
The 5th piece is a thin panel to join the top and bottom of the base of the bun to make it thicker.
For the panel:
1- Cast on 5 stitches.
2- K90 rows, stocking stitch.
3- Cast off
1-Now you have knitted all your bits of burger, gently press all the pieces, apart from the frilly edge of lettuce.
2-Stitch the lettuce frill to the lettuce piece using the green knitting yarn.
3- Add detail on the tomato using pink embroidery thread, by stitching 6 little triangles on, like segments.
4- Stitch two burger bap circles together round the edge. We used mattress stitch, but over stitch/blanket stitch is fine. Leave around a 2” gap. Stuff it, until it’s nicely domed on top. Stitch up the gap.
5- Stitch along side of the panel around the edge of one circle. Stitch the short ends of the panel together. Now stitch the second circle on to the top edge of the panel, leaving a 2” gap.
6- Stuff the base so it’s flat but chunky. Stitch up the gap.
7-Now for the finishing touch cut out some seeds from the beige felt and glue them on the top!
Stack the burger and place on your table ready for use!!
CO + K User