Kneeling nude in wood
A young woman caught in a moment of contemplation
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Contemplation 23 Jul 08:17
Lian T. favorited Contemplation 16 Jul 09:20
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Raven W. posted this project as a creation without steps
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Raven W.
Brisbane, Queensland, AU
70 projects
Thank you so much
I have an Etsy store at http://www.etsy.com/shop/WolfsCraftsUK that has my latest 2 carvings on.

Los Angeles, California, US
54 projects
Where can we buy your work?

Los Angeles, California, US
54 projects
She's so beautiful!

Raven W.
Brisbane, Queensland, AU
70 projects

Salt Lake City, Utah, US
4 projects
this is magnificent work