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Bun bun~
I've always loved to make my own stuff when I'm not able to buy it. So I decieded to make this Japanese bunny eared head band that I found on ebay. It looked simple enough to make, Sooo here are there results!( yea i think i failed on making this) I am not sure this product that I made is sturdy xD

Posted by Wing San Published See Wing San's 7 projects »

  • Step 1

    Get about 36 inchecs of wire ( I used twist ties and taped them together because I don't have wire.)

  • Step 2

    Cut the fabric of your choice measuring 36 inches X 3 inches. ( I used a old pair of jeans but you might want to use some light weight fabric.)

  • How to make an ear / horn. Cloth Bunny Ear Headband - Step 3
    Step 3

    Time for sewing!!
    Creating a type of casing by sewing it like this!I don't have a sewing machine o.o

  • Step 4

    Slip in the wire all the way.

  • Step 5

    At both ends, cut them narrow, so that they are slightly pointed on both sides.

  • How to make an ear / horn. Cloth Bunny Ear Headband - Step 6
    Step 6

    Sew up both sides and its ready to wear!

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Wing San
Wing San · 7 projects
Thank you Happy hmm they work pretty good for twist ties but you are going to need A LOT of twist ties and double it(in the picture)it kinda sag because I made the cloth too long and my my cloth is kinda heavy. So mines look like downwards bunny ears. try avioding too much extra cloth at the end. I hope this helps
nice job. i've been wanting to make one of these for a while now, but i don't have wire, either. are the twist ties holding up ok??

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