what better place than to put rings on a hand. : ]
i have a lot of ring and i like looking at them so i made this. any questions ask.... : ]
JONI replied to a comment on her project Clay Hand Ring Holder 24 Nov 06:17
JONI replied to a comment on her project Clay Hand Ring Holder 24 Nov 06:17
JONI replied to a comment on her project Clay Hand Ring Holder 24 Nov 06:17
JONI replied to a comment on her project Clay Hand Ring Holder 24 Nov 06:16
lefty4ever added Clay Hand Ring Holder to Misc 19 Aug 22:55
You Will Need
JONI posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Jet H.
Haarlem, North Holland, NL
108 projects
smart and handy idea, i like the funny shapes of the fingers and the marbled glay.!!! very pretty;-D

75 projects

Sarah D
La Cañada Flintridge, California, US
31 projects
Love that.

75 projects

Arty Kitkat
St Albans, England, GB
61 projects
what a cool idea
this looks much easier than a project I saw online - that involved a rubber glove & plaster of paris and a washing line.

75 projects
it was really easy i molded it and put it in the oven.

Krafty Kokatie
Orangeville, Pennsylvania, US
20 projects

75 projects