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The Knitted Teddy Bear
Here are two well–fed, happy little bears, all ready to go out to play in their overalls. They have long bodies and arms and quite short legs. They could be collector’s bears or toys for a child if the eyes are embroidered.

The bears shown are knitted in Paton 4-ply Natural (4823) with overalls in Denim (4136) and Hollyhock (4258).

Approximately 9 inches (23cm).

Work in St st throughout unless otherwise stated.

Posted by Anova Published See Anova's 60 projects » © 2025 Sandra Polley / Pavilion · Reproduced with permission. · The Knitted Teddy Bear by Sandra Polley is published by Collins & Brown. Photographs by Sian Irvine and Michael Wicks.
  • Step 1

    Body and Head
    Side A
    make 1
    With main colour, cast on 9 sts
    Starting with a K row, Inc 1 st at each end of every row until 19 sts
    Row 6—P
    Row 7—(Inc 1, K5), 3 times, Inc 1 (23 sts)
    Row 8—P
    Row 9—Inc 1 st at end of row
    St st 11 rows (ending on a P row)
    Row 21—Dec 1 st at beg of row and following alt row (22 sts)
    St st 3 rows
    Row 27—Dec 1 st at beg of row (21 sts)
    Row 28—P
    Row 29—Dec 1 st at end of row (20 sts)
    St st 3 rows
    Rep last 4 rows (19 sts)
    Row 37—Inc 1 st at beg and dec 1 st at end of row
    Row 38—P
    Row 39—Dec 1 st at end of row and each alt row until 15 sts
    Row 46—P
    Row 47—Dec 1 st at each end of row and following alt row (11 sts)
    Row 50—Dec 1 st at end of row
    St st 2 rows, ending on a P row
    To shape head
    Row 53—Inc 1 st at end of row
    Row 54—Cast on 4 sts, P to end
    Row 55—Inc 1 st at end of row (16 sts)
    Row 56—Inc 1 st at beg of row
    Row 57—Inc 1 st at end of row (18 sts)
    St st 7 rows (ending on a P row)
    Row 65—Dec 1 st at beg of row

  • Step 2

    To shape nose
    Row 66—Cast off 5 sts, P to last 2 sts, P2 tog
    Row 67—Dec 1 st at each end of row and following row (7 sts)
    Cast off, knitting 2 sts tog at each end of row at same time

  • Step 3

    Body and Head
    Side B
    make 1
    With main colour, cast on 9 sts
    Starting with a P row, Inc 1 st at each end of every row until 19 sts
    Row 6—K
    Row 7—(Inc 1, P5), 3 times, Inc 1 (23 sts)
    Row 8—K
    Row 9—Inc 1 st at end of row
    St st 11 rows (ending on a K row)
    Row 21—Dec 1 st at beg of row and following alt row
    St st 3 rows
    Row 27—Dec 1 st at beg of row (21 sts)
    Row 28—K
    Row 29—Dec 1 st at end of row (20 sts)
    St st 3 rows
    Rep last 4 rows (19 sts)
    Row 37— Inc 1 st at beg and Dec 1 st at end of row
    Row 38—K
    Row 39—Dec 1 st at end of row and each alt row until 15 sts
    Row 46—K
    Row 47—Dec 1 st at each end of row and following alt row (11 sts)
    Row 50—Dec 1 st at end of row
    St st 2 rows, ending on a K row

  • Step 4

    To shape head
    Row 53—Inc 1 st at end of row
    Row 54—Cast on 4 sts, K to end (15 sts)
    Row 55—Inc 1 st at end of row
    Row 56—Inc 1 st at beg of row
    Row 57—Inc 1 st at end of row (18 sts)
    St st 7 rows (ending on a K row)
    Row 65—Dec 1 st at beg of row

    To shape nose
    Row 66—Cast off 5 sts, K to last 2 sts, K2 tog
    Row 67—Dec 1 st at each end of row and following row (7 sts)
    Cast off in P, working 2 sts tog at each end of row at the same time

    Head Gusset
    make 1
    With main colour, cast on 3 sts
    P 1 row
    Inc 1 st at each end of row and every alt row until 13 sts
    St st 9 rows (ending on a P row)

    To shape nose
    Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows
    (7 sts)
    St st 7 rows
    K2 tog at each end of row
    Cast off in P

    make 2
    With main colour cast on 8 sts, working in G. st:
    K4 rows
    Dec 1 st at each end of row and following alt row
    K2 tog twice and cast off in same row, leaving a long thread (to sew ears to head)

    Outside Arm
    side A
    make 1
    With main colour, cast on 3 sts
    Starting with a K row:
    Row 1—Inc 1 st at each end of this and every row until 9 sts
    Row 4—P
    Row 5—Inc 1 st at beg of row and following 2 alt rows (12 sts)
    Row 10—P
    Row 11—Inc 1 st at beg and Dec 1 st at end of row
    Row 12—P **
    Row 13—Dec 1 st at end of row and following alt row (10 sts)
    Row 16—Dec 1 st at beg of row
    Row 17—Inc 1 st at beg of row (10 sts)
    St st 7 rows (ending on a P row)
    Rep last 8 rows twice (12 sts)
    Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows (6 sts)
    Cast off, taking 2 sts tog at each end of row at same time

    Outside Arm
    side B
    make 1
    With main colour, cast on 3 sts Starting with a K row:
    Row 1—Inc 1 st at each end of this and every row until 9 sts
    Row 4—P
    Row 5—Inc 1 st at end of row and following 2 alt rows (12 sts)
    Row 10—P
    Row 11—Dec 1 st at beg and Inc 1 st at end of row
    Row 12—P **
    Row 13—Dec 1 st at beg of row and following alt row (10 sts)
    Row 16—Dec 1 st at end of row
    Row 17—Inc 1 st at end of row (10 sts)
    St st 7 rows (ending on a P row)
    Rep last 8 rows twice (12 sts)
    Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows (6 sts)
    Cast off, taking 2 sts tog at each end of row at same time

    Inside Arms
    Work as for outside arms but start with the contrast colour (for paw pads) and change to main colour from **

    make 2
    With main colour cast on 32 sts
    Starting with a K row, St st 4 rows
    Row 5—Dec 1 st at each end of row and following alt row (28 sts)
    Row 8—P
    Cast off 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows
    Row 11—Inc 1 st at each end of row and every 4 th row until 24 sts
    St st 6 rows
    Row 30—P2 tog, P8, P2 tog twice, P8, P2 tog
    Row 31—K
    Row 32—P2 tog, P6, P2 tog twice, P6, P2 tog
    Cast off remaining 16 sts, knitting 2 sts tog at each end of row at same time.

    make 2
    With contrast colour, cast on 4 sts
    Starting with a K row, Inc 1 st at each end of every row until 10 sts
    St st 13 rows
    Dec 1 st at each end of row and following alt row (6 sts)
    Dec 1 st at each end of row (4 sts)
    K2 tog twice, pass 1 st over the other and finish off.

    To make up
    Press all the pieces on the purl side with a warm iron, especially at the edges where they tend to curl in. This will make sewing up the bear easier.

    Head and Body and Limbs
    With K sides together make up and stuff the head, body, arms and legs following the instructions for
    Annie & George (page 20).

    Sew in and trim off the shorter cast on thread. Thread the longer thread onto the needle; weave it in along the edge of the ear down to the corner and pull slightly to give a nice rounded shape. Take a couple of sts to anchor the thread and use the rest to sew the ears to the head. Pin in position first, about 1/2 inch (1cm) in from the back of the head and about halfway across the head gusset seam. This is only a guide; you may like to experiment with the ear positions before sewing them on.
    If you are giving this bear to a child, use black embroidery thread and work a few tiny stitches for each eye.
    As a collector’s bear or mascot for an adult, you can use small black beads for the eyes. See General Instructions on page 13 for adding the eyes.

    Nose and Mouth
    Use three strands of black or dark brown embroidery thread to sew a nose and your choice of mouth. I think a big smile looks best on this bear!

    With three strands of black or brown embroidery thread, make three claws on all four paws.
    See General Instructions on page 13 sewing claws and thread-jointing
    your bear.

    make 2
    With colour of choice, cast on 34 sts
    G. st 2 rows (both rows K)
    Starting with a K row, st st 16 rows

    To shape crotch
    Cast off 2 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows
    St st a further 24 rows
    next row: (K6, K2 tog) 3 times, K6 (27 sts)
    P 1 row
    G. st 2 rows
    Cast off

    make 1
    Cast on 20 sts
    K1 row
    Row 2—K2, P to last 2 sts, K2
    Row 3—K
    Row 4—K2, P2 tog, P to last 4 sts, P2 tog, K2
    Repeat the last 4 rows 3 times (12 sts)
    G. st 3 rows
    Cast off

    make 2
    Cast on 10 sts
    Starting with a K row, St st 9 rows
    K 1 row
    Cast off

    make 2
    Cast on 4 sts
    Working in G. st, K until straps measure 4 inches (9cm)
    Cast off

    To make up overalls
    With right sides together, fold each leg in half lengthways and sew up leg seam (shortest length of work is the legs).
    Turn one leg right way out and fit this one inside the other. Sew up crotch seam and turn right side out.
    Sew bib to front waistband of trousers. Sew on the two pockets. Sew one edge of each strap to the back of the overalls, about 1⁄2 inch (1cm) either side of the crotch seam, cross straps over at the back and sew the other end to the top of the bib at the front, overlapping 1⁄2 inch (1cm). Sew a button on the end of each strap (they will not undo). Dress bear and turn up bottom of trousers about 1⁄2 inch (1cm).

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