Christmas Tea Light
Extract from Quick and Easy Christmas • By Search Press Studio • Published by Search PressAbout
Quick and Easy Christmas
Mistletoe template: actual size
- 2020-12-15-125030-Mistletoe_Tealight.eps 1.31 MB [ Download ]
Deb E. favorited Christmas Tea Light 22 Dec 02:50
Crafterella featured Christmas Tea Light 17 Dec 23:00
Search Press published her project Christmas Tea Light 16 Dec 09:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Photocopy the mistletoe template (right) and set aside. Now make your own template for the base of the tea light holder. Set the compasses to 2¾in (7cm) wide and draw a circle on to paper. Use the circle to mark out three base sections on to burgundy felt. Neatly cut out all three and layer together, securing with a glue gun. On a separate sheet of felt, mark out a rectangle measuring 4¾ x 9in (12 x 23cm). Cut out and fold together lengthways, gluing to secure, and allow to dry.
Step 2
With some chalk, mark a central line down the folded felt along the longest edge. Using fabric scissors, cut straight lines at ½in (1cm) intervals from the raw edge in towards the chalked line. Bring the short edges together and secure by sewing, but only down to the chalk line. This should form a cuff to grip the base of the glass. The raw edges should fan away from the glass. Place the cuffed glass centrally onto the base section and glue the fanned rays to secure into place. Remove the glass so that you can decorate the holder.
Step 3
Make up six 1in (25mm) pompoms in white yarn, trimmed into neat balls. Mark out as many mistletoe leaves in green felt as you require (I have used six per shade of green) and cut them out. Cut the ribbon into 11¾in (30cm) lengths and bunch together, securing at the base with a stitch.
Step 4
Now all of your components are ready – pompoms, mistletoe leaves, sleigh bells and ribbon bunches – simply arrange and sew them on to the base. Try a few options first by pinning them down before you decide on a final composition. Please note that if you have a slightly wider bottomed glass, all you have to do is increase the length of the cuff and possibly enlarge the base section a little. Never use a real tea light without the glass.