yummy crispy chicken strips
This recipe is pretty basic. I believe I found it online sometime ago. But its just one of those recipe's that turned out great so I wanted to share it.
This mix would probably be pretty good on fried chicken as well.
I tried it on onion rings they turned out pretty good, I probably should have cut the onion a little thicker for it to have worked out best.
- HylianWriter534 favorited Chicken Strips 27 May 01:26
- Holly D. added Chicken Strips to cool 08 Feb 13:10
Step 5
cover your chicken in the flour mixture. Then dip in egg and cover with your bread crumbs.
Francesca F.
Pisa, Toscana, IT
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Thanks to you finally I'll stop buying them! <3
Cupcake girl
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
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