Chicken & Mushroom Pie
This home made version of this pie tastes amazing.
It is pretty easy to make.
The taste is brilliant and much better than a shop bought or frozen version.
christina c. favorited Chicken & Mushroom Pie 19 May 02:00
Super Madcow commented on their project Chicken & Mushroom Pie 09 May 15:04
TK Rainy commented on Chicken & Mushroom Pie 08 May 23:43
Super Madcow published their project Chicken & Mushroom Pie 07 May 10:02
I used a pretty big pie dish as it had to feed my whole family (with extra portions). It will depend on the amount of meat & mushrooms you use and how many people it would have to feed. You could easily make this a single portion or add more to feed a family.