How To-sday - Chalkboard Coasters
More at: http://shrimpsaladcircus.blogspot.com
I always see adorable tile coasters or cute little wine charms, and I love the idea, but that's really just a little too foofy for me. I don't know why the heck I felt so compelled to make a set of coasters, since I never have more than two people over to my most-humble-abode at one time, and I don't have a stick of furniture worthy of protection from life's most vicious elements. All the same though, compelled I was, so here's the end result: my anti-foofy, claim-your-beverage-in-semi-permanent-style, bright and sunshiny coasters!
forbunnie favorited Chalkboard Coasters 05 Mar 23:33
Bonnie A. favorited Chalkboard Coasters 17 Nov 04:14
Jinx added Chalkboard Coasters to Decorations 18 Jun 04:52
elaina.nattrass added Chalkboard Coasters to Misc 21 Jan 20:21
Jello favorited Chalkboard Coasters 17 Dec 04:38
Romana S. favorited Chalkboard Coasters 16 Dec 03:32
IcaKay favorited Chalkboard Coasters 13 Nov 22:18
Stephanie K. added Chalkboard Coasters to Stuff to make 30 Oct 04:26
aviiry G. favorited Chalkboard Coasters 15 Oct 15:45
Karen B. favorited Chalkboard Coasters 01 Oct 02:41
Step 1
Begin by brushing a thin coat of chalkboard paint (available at Lowe's & Home Depot) onto your cork mats (available at Michael's in the floral section). Brush it onto the top and sides but not the bottom. Allow each mat to dry while you paint the rest. After you finish the last mat, go back and begin applying a second thin coat to the first ones.
Step 2
Choose a design for your coasters, and sketch it onto the painted mat with a regular pencil. I Googled henna tattoo designs for my coasters because I love the gorgeous patterns - paisleys, florals, and all sorts of abstract shapes. Don't be afraid to mess up; this painted surfacce is very forgiving and can be easily erased.
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