I heard you liked bags, so I made a bag of your bags, so you can bag while you bag.
Because I can never remember to take my environmentally friendly reusable shopping bag when I go to the supermarket, the bloke and I have ended up with a mass amount of carrier bags (is it just me who keeps carrier bags? I use them as bin liners, but still have loads!).
The bag I was keeping these bags in got way too full to function, so I decided to do something with all these carriers. Make a super carrier! Or handbag.
- angel.zoey favorited Carrier Bag Handbag 01 Apr 11:25
- Sheri O. added Carrier Bag Handbag to To-make list 14 Sep 16:32
- Ichigo M. favorited Carrier Bag Handbag 18 Jul 00:39
- lindasuu favorited Carrier Bag Handbag 12 Jul 03:25
You Will Need
Step 3
Repeat until you have something like shown. For me, this was six bags. Alternate the looped side so it's on the left one time, then the right next time etc. This'll make it stronger, and you can actually use the loops to hold down the tie end above (not done on the photo 'cos I realised later I could do that!).
Step 4
Make sure you have the tied on bags running top to bottom, then grab another bag (orange on my photo), loop to the left edge, and weave it through. Tie off the end.
On your next weave, run from right to left, and make sure you're over/under is alternated from the one above.
(That sounds complicated, but I'm sure you know what I mean).