color your life with a splash of ... buttons (:
i was amazingly super bored one day and BAM! I came up with these in like 10 minutes.
I made a couple for my friends too (: My first ones were rainbow (main picture) BUT i have made some other cool color combinations like Pink & Orange, Red, Blue & Purple, Pink & Green, Blue & Green and tons more. If I have the time, i will post all of them.
OH lastly, my inspiration would have to be Claires. But sadly for your store, you sell them for $7 when I can make them for $2 (:
XxSWSxX favorited Button Earrings 13 Jan 17:04
Laura H. favorited Button Earrings 22 Nov 13:57
You Will Need
Nicole (: <3 posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
i might start selling the earrings through the internet!
comment on my youtube video ^ up there or on this if you are interested!
thanks (:
going to make these for myself as soon as I get the chance. Thanksss!
So freakin adorable :3
walmart has really pretty and cheap buttons~
thank you everyone for the wonderful comments