Button Bracelets Makes a Beautiful Gift for Friends & Family!
Button Bracelets are easy to make! And, they don't look home-made at all! In fact, these bracelets are the rage on Etsy these days. And, if you already have a stash of buttons at home, lyou can make them yourselves and save the Etsy shipping costs.
And, you have so many options:
- Find a favorite outfit and make a bracelet to match!
- How about a bracelet made of beautiful, vintage buttons? That would truly be a one-of-a-kind piece.
-Or, you could raid your mom's button jar and make her a button bracelet from her very own button collection. What a beautiful gift that would make for her birthday!
- Or, how about making a button bracelet out of sparkly Swarovski buttons? It would be gorgeous!! They come in different colors and styles and, surprisingly, they are not as expensive as you would imagine them to be.
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Rebecca C. favorited Button Bracelets Make Gorgeous Gifts! 22 Jun 15:41
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