Kinda reminds me of chain maille
Found this fancy bracelet somewhere and decided to give it a shot, considering the original is from a blog somewhere, and is in russian...oh well. Now atleast I feel fancier than I did a couple hours ago.
- Marlene G. favorited Button Bracelet 25 Nov 22:07
- Deborah H. favorited Button Bracelet 25 Oct 15:56
- aranumenwen favorited her project Button Bracelet 14 Apr 04:55
- Suki Chan favorited Button Bracelet 24 Dec 00:25
- cherylllewis added Button Bracelet to after school 16 Sep 21:49
aranumenwen posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
@Ellen Stewart. You have to essentially do one button at a time with one continuous length of strand crossing each hole around three times and then wrapping it around the middle twice and then heading onto the next connection bit. Left to right and moving directly below that and then moving right to left repeating that all the way down. It's kinda hard to explain really but the back of it ends up looking pretty terrible. If you've ever checked out the back of cross stitch project, you'll know what I mean.