Buttered toast.... GRAVY! I love chickens, Eddy...
I had a baggy T-shirt that I screen printed in the graphics room at my school. I made the design myself. I really wanted to wear it but it was too plain, so I sewed it to fit and then added matching green sleeves out of leggings :) The time I put for this project is not counting the time spent designing and printing the shirt.
In case the design on the shirt is too hard to see, it is a picture of Ed, from the cartoon Ed Edd n Eddy, next to his beloved buttered toast. They are surrounded by a big heart and the text just says "BUTTERED TOAST" lol
M4ri commented on Buttered Toast Shirt 05 Aug 23:31
aranumenwen commented on Buttered Toast Shirt 20 Feb 23:52
Ievars favorited Buttered Toast Shirt 13 Feb 21:47
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