
Hey I'm Mari and I really like the DIY movement. I have no money so that's one reason. Plus I like having stuff to do. Plus I like doing things myself and being independent. Besides, making really weird clothes and stuff is fun (and hey, no sweat shops, right?). I've never seen a website quite like this but it's a good idea. I like seeing all the random stuff people come up with.

Anyway, I collect really random stuff that clutters my room (much to my mom's appreciation) and I like using it to make new things, like pull-tab belts and stuff. I also really like duct tape. It's one of the greatest inventions I've ever seen, right up there with Top Ramen.

P.S. A good website to check out would be Anticraft! if you are into the punk or goth thing. They have some great ideas, especially if you knit (like me) or crochet.

Another is Instructables.com which is not only a craft website, it shows you how to fix things, make things for your house or car and things like that. They have a lot of really technical electronic projects, recycled items, duct tape projects, as well as making clothes and jewelry. It's very good, check it out.
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Noodles · Mesa, Arizona, US · 16 projects
Hey, just realized I had the comment, but yeah, I really like them(Offspring)
xNatje · Lede, Flanders, BE · 32 projects
Thank you!
I hardly wear pants. But I wanted something to make pants more interesting, but also to make a boring skirt more interesting.
LastKoalaBear · Vancouver, British Columbia, CA · 33 projects
thx for commenting on my how-to.
the brand i use is called Tulip. are the paints you're using for fabric? because is u just use acrylic it will crack/flake off. also have you been heat setting it after painting? it helps the paint bond with the fibers of the fabric to prevent flaking. i also suggest washing the garment inside out. i hope this helps
Käpt´n Toasterkopf
Käpt´n Toasterkopf · Germany, Pennsylvania, US · 53 projects
Subject: Circular loom

Yes, I used the biiiiig purple one :3
Agnès · 14 projects
Your hair is just fuckin' awesome, and I love nirvana Happy Friends?
Abi · San Antonio, Texas, US · 27 projects
Thanks, it wasnt so bad. Now that I think back I feel there is so much more I should of done. Oh well next year.