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Easy book tote made from an ex-display curtain from B&Q for £3!!!
I used an old curtain that I bought from B&Q, and cut it to twice the width I wanted (folded later) and to the height I wanted, plus an extra 6 inches on the bottom and 2 inches on the top for hemming. I basically folded a 3-inch hem on the bottom up twice, which then forms the sturdy base of the book bag. I made the straps by folding a long strip in half (backwards so the pattern is inside)and sewing down the edge, then inverting it. I then sewed a zigzag down each side of the strap to flatten and reinforce.

You can do this bag any size, but always make sure to reinforce the base with extra hemming. :)

Posted by Hachidori Published See Hachidori's 14 projects »

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CO + K User

This is super cute. I need to sort out all my cloth scraps some time xD

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