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Whimsical hearts...
There was a library cart of unwanted books at school and I took a few of the same series (Representative American Speeches). I wanted to try folding hearts and came up with a plan for the folds. After finishing, I colored in the hearts (the sides of the pages) with variations of purple, pink, and red. The top and bottom of the book looked pretty too so I colored them in (one looked like trees, and another looked like a snowflake). I enjoyed making this so I made another one that started where the last heart left off in the pattern (hard to explain..) so that the books look connected.

Posted by Conn from San Francisco, California, United States • Published See Conn's 100 projects »


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Chuckee · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 15 projects
I guess that's fair. And I don't see why that answer should offend me.
I still could never do it... I would literally be consumed by a ridiculous sort of guilt (or OCD, I'm not sure...) I can't even fold down the corner of a page to mark my place, and don't lend my books out because so many people do. I also have an aversion to cracking and creasing spines...
Chuckee · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 15 projects
I'm sorry this is a terrible thing to say, but that's a horrible thing to do to a book!
I'm sorry!
Conn · San Francisco, California, US · 134 projects
Hello! I understand where you're coming from so I don't blame you or anything. I did feel a bit guilty as I folded the pages. However, it is also important to note that I didn't damage any of the pages; they're all intact and just the edges are colored on. I can still read the book; I just have to unfold as I go along. For some, it seems sadistic that I enjoyed doing this to the book, but for me, it's a win-win-situation: I have fun making something that is decorative and still functional at the same time.

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