1 or 3 finger versions. Halloween or any day, a creepy edge.
A scary and somewhat gross seasonal ring - Make sure you use objects that a thread can be wraped either into, or aroung. Most dollar store toys have holes in them - but objects such as rocks aren't as simple...
3 Finger Version (2rings)
1 Finger Version (1ring)
Thaty F. favorited Boney Rings 25 Aug 16:19
Ievars favorited Boney Rings 16 Oct 19:36
HylianWriter534 favorited Boney Rings 19 Dec 21:08
Zombie Babe added Boney Rings to All Hallow's Eve 03 Oct 10:13
DocDoolittle favorited Boney Rings 29 Jul 11:32
constantreader added Boney Rings to have to do 05 Jul 18:27
Jinx added Boney Rings to Rings 18 Jun 05:45
Misato M. favorited Boney Rings 15 Jun 21:41
Irene Wildfox added Boney Rings to Jewelry and Accessories 05 Jun 16:57
Metafright K. favorited Boney Rings 28 Apr 18:53
Where did u find that skelly?
thanks for sharing!