Based on Barefoot Sandals by Michelle
They're so easy to make and perfect for 24/7 barefoot walkers like me!
Took about 5 minutes each.
Guess the black ones are a little bit too thick. Couldn't find any thinner yarn for some reason... I think I'm gonna redo them.
- Sue G. favorited Barefoot Sandals 08 Feb 13:34
- lacyrobertson favorited Barefoot Sandals 01 Sep 01:21
- Pace.Amore.SiRide favorited Barefoot Sandals 14 Jul 11:18
- Bat Ma'am favorited Barefoot Sandals 08 Jul 15:57
You Will Need
FrolleinKram posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
And don't need to be teached about feet worshipping, you're not the first prick who tries to compliment a naive girl into something. If you really were a lover of art and would respect the woman the feet belong to, you would just shut up and enjoy silently because it's disrespectfull and not to mention CREEPY to get requests like this.
Leave this community alone, it's NOT a place to support underf*cked creeps!
There's NOTHING more disgusting than a feet perv!
i found the same string!!
how long are each string?!
i love it!!
is that hemp cord your using??
how did u start it