Moist chocolaty banana loaf
This recipe is adapted from the one in 'Good Housekeeping easy to make cakes and bakes'.
Suitable for vegetarians
Takes 15-20 mins to prepare and 1 hour to cook, then needs to cool!
Bev.o favorited Banana And Chocolate Loaf 12 Sep 07:30
Step 1
Pre heat oven to Gas mark 3/ 170*c/150* fan ovens.
Line a 1.4kg/3lb loaf tin with baking parchment
Step 2
Put the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate soda and salt into a bowl and mix together.
Step 3
In a different bowl, Beat the eggs and muscovado sugar together with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy.
Step 4
Carefully stir the bananas, yoghurt and chocolate into the egg mixture.
Once this is evenly mixed in, add in the flour mixture. Making sure that it is thoroughly mixed.
Step 5
Spoon the mixture into the tin and bake in the oven for 1 hour or until a skewer put into the centre comes out clean.
Leave to cool in the tin
Step 6
Once cool, remove from the tin, slice and eat!
Enjoy :D
Yes, everyone says the chocolate adds that extra special mmmm...
Muscovado sugar is unrefined, so it's soft and is recommended for cakes and desserts because it gives them a rich toffee fudge flavour! You can use other sugar, experiment and let me know how you get on