Healthy weeknight meal
This is a low fat recipe that can easily be adapted from chicken to fish, which definitely works just as we'll, it's a easy week day meals that takes little effort.
Picture also includes Asparagus with crispy crumbs, which is featured as another project on my profile
Enjoy :p
- dona l. added Baked Chicken With Tomato, Olives And Capers to like to try 29 Nov 08:08
- Sherrie N favorited Baked Chicken With Tomato, Olives And Capers 23 Nov 19:05
- Christine Therese-Anne favorited Baked Chicken With Tomato, Olives And Capers 19 Nov 03:25
- an.jell.yuh favorited Baked Chicken With Tomato, Olives And Capers 15 Nov 01:27
- noche-estrellada favorited Baked Chicken With Tomato, Olives And Capers 10 Nov 19:32