mmmm refreshing
you need a jug, a kettle and tea bags
laura_southpaw added Awesome Iced Tea to Keep Calm and Party 16 May 09:36
Emma H. added Awesome Iced Tea to Steampunk Tea Party 17 Jul 15:33
Emo Chick favorited Awesome Iced Tea 11 Jan 23:36
You Will Need
Step 1
ok boil water
put one cup of hot water and two tea bags into the jug
add 1/2 cup of sugar
then one cup of pineapple, orange juice and lemonaide into the jugmix well and then place into the fridge

2 projects
i may just be blind or just new and confused, but i cant really find the instructions.. how do you put this together? it looks really good
i love ice tea !

2 projects
i may just be blind or just new and confused, but i cant really find the instructions.. how do you put this together? it looks really good
i love ice tea !

Jane C.
11 projects
I looooove iced tea and this looks delicious! Did u come up with this recipe yourself? i will definitely be trying this one