rescued this shirt from the thrift pile, turned it into his new favorite!
I had fun getting rid of some IKEA fabric leftovers to spruce up my man's wardrobe- i get orders and requests everytime he wears it!
now that he gets so much attention in it, he wants to learn to sew some of his own ideas! do i get a toaster oven or something for converting him to the craft way?
Niki W. favorited Applique Shirt Revamp Not Your Grandma's Applique! 01 Mar 17:19
You Will Need
kage j. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
of note, it is insane how many men- strangers of every age, race, and style- will compliment him, or shake his hand and nod to the 'burns. i have never seen anything like it amongst straight men.
Sorry if this is weird, but does your boyfriend have like Wolverine style sideburns?