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20 mins

corset style lacing in the back :D
ok to do this you need a shirt that's about 2 sizes to big. and super sharp scissors.

the shirt i picks (for a second there you bored me to death) was a mans shirt and even in a small is way to big so i chopped it up and corseted the back.

super sexy

Posted by Destiney Y. from Green River, Utah, United States • Published See Destiney Y.'s 36 projects »
  • How to revamp a shredded top. Another Cut Up T Shirt - Step 1
    Step 1

    take your shirt and cut out the neck you can do this anyway you want i did a boat neck. just don't cut off your kewl words on the front.

    then cut out the sleeves just on this side of the seams.

    save your sleeves! i have a cute tutorial for wrist cuffs well more covers from these sleeves! check my projects!

    oh and cut off the bottom hem! forgot to show that in pic but yeah.

  • How to revamp a shredded top. Another Cut Up T Shirt - Step 2
    Step 2

    ok now put the shirt on backwards. and fold the back together till it fits you snug and mark or pin here. or simply cut the extra folded part out now!

  • How to revamp a shredded top. Another Cut Up T Shirt - Step 3
    Step 3

    now take your shirt off. ;)

    ok now lay it out and depending on how much skin you want to show in the back cut a little more from each side.

    then with an awl or scissors cut holes down the back. its easier to fold the shirt with your end together and then poke so there even. you can reinforce them with eyelets but you don't have to just make sure there even about 1 in apart and a good 1/2 in from the shirt so they don't rip out.

  • How to revamp a shredded top. Another Cut Up T Shirt - Step 4
    Step 4

    now to make your laces you will need another t-shirt here's a you tube video of how to make one long lace. its about a t-shirt dress i love but at 5:30 in to it she shows you how to do the laces its hard to explain so yeah watch it lol


    then just lace up from top to bottom like you would a shoe lace.

    then try it on backwards again, unless you find someone to lace you in. and tighten laces so the fit right.

    yeah crappy pic i know but between the mirror the kids and the camera (which laughs at me) this was as good as it gets oh and my swank tinkerbell jamms lol.

    now for the end you want to tie a know in them but leave some tail bit so that you can loosen or tighten them.. you know depending on how much been and jerry's you had for breakfast lol.

  • Step 5

    ok now if you want the higher in the fount longer in the back i have going on just try it on (the right way) and trip it up with scissors. you can fold in half and even em up also. you don't have to do this but it was curling up in the front and i hate that.

  • Step 6

    now for the arms. i just cut about 10 10 in by 1in strips out of the neck part and tied them on the top.

    yay fringe!

  • Step 7

    now for care instructions with all my t-shirts that i cut up i always wash and dry them in a sweater bag. they arn't supposed to come apart but it just minimizes wear and tear and keeps strings from tangling.

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Destiney Y.
Destiney Y. · Green River, Utah, US · 36 projects
i got it at walmart in the mes section while shopping for fathers day for like 6$!
So · Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE · 65 projects
haha, the print is just awesome!! Happy

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