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bleach dye alice stencil vest
For my first bleach dying attempt I thought this went pretty well :)The vest was only £3 so was fairly quick, easy and cheap to make. I printed, cut the stencils and sprayed over them. I'm not sure if you can see in the pictures but some of the bleach seeped through the paper stencils so there are faint bleach marks on some of the shapes but using card instead would probably prevent that happening again. I used a prit stick to stop the stencil from moving around whilst I was spraying but adhesive spray would probably work better. I rinsed the vest in the sink after just to remove the excess bleach in the hope it won't bleach anything else in the washing machine and it hasn't so far so I'm guessing it worked ;)

Posted by Alice G. Published See Alice G.'s 2 projects »

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Anja R.
Anja R. · Redcliffe, Queensland, AU · 1 project
looks great
Alice G.
Alice G. · 2 projects
thank you
Penny F.
Penny F. · North Bay, Ontario, CA · 19 projects
Very well done! I think the fact that it slightly came through the shapes adds more character to this shirt then having all the shapes exactly black... I love this! Happy
Alice G.
Alice G. · 2 projects
yeah it could have been worse haha .. I think it makes it look more home made anyway :3 and you don't really notice it when I'm wearing it anyway. Happy
PinkWeeds · Omaha, Nebraska, US · 207 projects
well done!
Alice G.
Alice G. · 2 projects
thanks Happy

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