Veganising this traditional meat-fest isn't as tough as it sounds, and there's still plenty of potato for everyone!
One of the first happy discoveries many vegans make is that fry-ups are pretty easy to veganise. Sure, traditionally there's a lot of meat involved, but with so many tasty options, it's easy to focus on making something like bubble and squeak as the star of the show, whilst not missing out on any frying pan action.
Get the radio on, a good pot of tea going, and you can have this winner of a hangover cure whipped up in no time.
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Ava S. published her project A Vegan Breakfast Fry Up 05 Oct 17:10
Step 1
Now I'm not going to make out a regular fry-up needs a recipe- but I always think it's nice to have some inspiration when it comes to veganising such an old-school classic. My favourite way to do this is by making bubble and squeak the main attraction, and then adding in other fry-up staples around it. I've included some here, but by all means add your usual favourites.
Step 2
Like most recipes that use up leftovers, bubble and squeak isn't meant to look pretty, but the flavour, especially after adding the paprika, more than makes up for anything lacking looks-wise. It's also the ideal culinary-mop for a hangover, teaming a bit of grease with carbs and something spicy.
Step 3
Boil the potatoes in salted water. While they're cooking through, it's the ideal time to get your oven on pre-heat for any vegan sausages or grilling you need to do, as the bubble and squeak only takes around fifteen minutes once the potatoes are cooked.
Step 4
When the potatoes have boiled through, drain and mash thoroughly and set aside. Chop the onion and garlic and gently heat in a large frying pan with some olive oil and the paprika. After five minutes or so, add in the shredded cabbage, gently frying it in all the paprika and onion so the flavours combine.
Step 5
Now pack in the mash on top of the cabbage, making sure it's a firm mixture as you will need to flip this over in a few minutes.
Turn the heat up slightly and cook for about five to ten minutes until the edges of the potato crisp up a little and it really starts to sizzle.
You're now just a few minutes from serving, so it's a good time to get the toast on and the tea brewing.
Step 6
When the edges of the potatoes have crisped up, turn off the heat and bring your pan over to a chopping board or heat-proof surface. Place a plate on top of the frying pan, making sure it covers it right up to the edge. With one hand on the plate and the other holding the frying pan handle, flip the pan over so the bubble and squeak transfers to the plate. Now slide the potato mix back into the pan so each side can fry, and pack it back in for a final few minutes of cooking.
Step 7
When you're ready to serve, cut the bubble and squeak into slices and team it with plenty of brown sauce, toast, beans and avocado, for the perfect veganised fry-up!