*plushie gallery*

164 replies since 31st May 2008 • Last reply 31st May 2008

hey K@tie, Jenna, Shivi and Xrena hows the plushies going? I cant wait to see what you guys made, we are half way done Happy

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Those are such cute pictures, Roma! Oh and the biscuits were awesome!

I'll hopefully send yours out on Thursday or Friday, I have a few things to send so I'll try and do them all at the same time

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Hey Sug, my plushie is about a week into it's journey to Australia, so i sure hope K@tie gets it soon!!

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I'm making mine for rena, on the weekend as I haven't been able to borrow K@ti's sewing machine, for one reason or another. I've explained this to Rena so she doesn't think I've forgotten about her! But I think she will really like it!

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Sent yours out today, Rosa. I can't remember if it was first or second class but hopefully it'll be there by Saturday (who knows?)

I know this is the wrong thread but I also sent your letter today, Shivi

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I got it!

hehehe! zombie squidddd! thankyouuu!

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Eep!! I don't want to see him coming after me in the ocean! Tongue He's cute though! And looks pretty squishy - heh. I like how he has 2 different colored tentacles! Tongue

Hey Shivi - I haven't seen K@tie on here in ages, do you know if my plushie has made it to her yet? ^.^

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That is the most awsomest squid ever!!! great job! Hey Rena how the plushie coming along? This is plush swap is turning out to be a success Happy cant wait to see everyone else's Happy

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Haha sorry it looks so crappy. I thought I'd stuffed it enough, but obviously not =P

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noooo! it's good not to overstuff! makes it more cuddly. Happy)))

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Jenna, K@ti got your plushie but hasn't been on the internet in a while but I'm sure she'll post a pic of it soon, I haven't seen it yet, can't wait to see what it looks like!

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YaY!! So she did get it! I was starting to wonder! Hope she likes it!! HappyD

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fanastic! Happy

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wow you all did great jobs!

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alright plush check...who hasnt sent their plushies yet?

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