Halloween Swap!

41 replies since 24th September 2012 • Last reply 24th September 2012

It's going in the mail today.Has been a crazy week.Best out of my PJ's so i can go to the post office !

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Heres what I got in the mail Happy

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And also this!

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This was a super fun swap! Hope you wanna have one again next year, Pam :3 If you don't, I will!

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that is cute Pam! I know she will love hers, what kind of candy did you get?

and yep! I enjoyed it too! I loveeeeeeeee the Halloween swaps! Happy thanks for starting one!

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Oh I got 3 mini sized Almond Joys and 3 mini Kit Kats! <3 Both of which are favorites of mine ^_^

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Look what I got Happy

everything is so thoughful and so well made my favorite has got to be the lily munster necklace, or maybe the velvet clutch orrrrr I just love all of it. the little boo candy corn banner is hanging on my door nowHappy My candy didn't make it into the photo but pam sent me
peep m&m's peep-mallows and peep rice crunch

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Got mine from Debs. Love it!

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Favourite out of the bunch is this little fellow {although he's a monster} to me he looks like a robot and his name is Mo so therefore I have my own Mobot (don't know if anyone from the UK will get that! It's a reference to one of our olympic athletes!)

Medium dsc00410
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I love Mobot-perfect name and very flattered too ;0)

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Julie's perfect package arrived Happy
I love it all.The bags are so cool I'm going to keep using them for moving projects around the house for now they will be filled with M&M's

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I got told my porch looked great and a spontaneous hug from a visitIng witch-nice result guys

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