Book Page Swap

82 replies since 14th June 2012 • Last reply 14th June 2012

You're correct Dragonfly,Ani said we're no longer sticking to the deadline of June 30th:She posted this on the first page

"Its fine if you take your time Happy maybe if everyone just updates how theyre doing here so we all now whats happening?"

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Yes,and post something here to let them know you've sent and who you're making a page for next.

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I totally forgot about that... cool!
I'll start working as soon as I can then and I'll let you know Happy

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i've sadly missed out on this swap thanks to a sinus and migraine infection that has meant i couldn't move my head without passing out , getting dizzy of chucking my socks up .

have a great time everything and i'll look forward to seeing what everyone does x

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I'm in the same boat.The house move is not going smoothly at all.My pages a currently packed in a van with no idea of when they will be unloaded.
So Mary take all the time you need...
With the 4th of July vacation everything will be slow US side.I'll keep you all up to speed.

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Dont worry about not being able to send out straight away, its fine Happy Tray L, I'm very sorry to hear that, I hope you are better now. If you would like you can still take part Happy

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I've got 1 page 99% done and 2 pages about 50% ready. I'll wait with send out untill I've got all pages ready. It works for me best to make the pages and then pick wich page fits best with everyone.

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I'm working on a few now but probably won't be mailing out until after the 4th.

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Two days later than excepted we are in the new house.Have a long day at the hospital tomorrow maybe I can borrow some materials and make a start.

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Sounds good Dragonfly and thats cool The Incredible Suzy Lee. Oh dear, I hope you are alright Essex Debs!

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Hey everyone I have to drop out Happy
I've had to fill the roll of babysitter to a friends newborn.
I don't know when she'll find a replacement, and since this is a lot of partners to send to, I just cant find time to make the pages.

No one has said that they've mailed out yet, so that's good Happy
But if someone has already, I'll try really hard to make one to send back to them.

Thanks for your understanding. <3

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I understand Pam no worries.
I have a couple of pages done and hope to send them in the next day or so.They very much reflect that my 30 boxes of art supplies are currently stashed around the house while I decorate then populate my space Happy
Have only found watercolors pencils so far but am having fun with those.

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I'll be mailing out some time next week or the following. I'll post here when I do and let y'all know who I've mailed to. Also I've made 2 extra pages so 2 lucky people will end up with an extra page from meHappy

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Ooh found a random silver pen.Also acquired bookbinders PVA....! Was too hot today to do anything so I played.

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Mine are sent.

A wee teaser

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