What is a swap?

What EXACTLY is a swap? I have seen on some other people's profiles that they have been
in swaps before. I was just wondering what,
they are?

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1 reply since 17th December 2011 • Last reply 17th December 2011

A swap is when you get paired up with a person and literally make something for them and post it to them, and they do the same for you. It's loads of fun! Swaps normally have a theme and set amount of items you need to make, as well as a deadline for sending items.

Most swaps require you to have completed the Newbie vs Vet swap first though to be able to participate. This can be found here: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/board/swapping/swap_shop/4913-newbie-vs-vet-swap-new-again

Hope this helped!

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