Oh my god Queenie, that's EXACTLY the way I eat them!
look what i started!
We still have 2 of those "cakes" in the package in the cabinet ( from Soo long ago dunno why it was still there lol! I took it down These are McVitie's brand.
oh i see they make lemon lime and blackcurrant ones too. what's blackcurrant?
Those are wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Orange Jaffas or no Jaffas.
at first I really didn't like oreos but now I do but they do taste of salt and sugar and so eating too many is a bit bleurgh and yeh Hersheys chocolate was too bitter but it's the thing about things being different and new thats cool even if they dont taste that good.
I have to say I do love me some Oreo's but only the white chocolate covered ones but I don't think they do the proper Jaffas here
I don't really get biccies much.
DO NOT EAT THE OTHER FLAVOURS! they will put you off orange ones, and that is not fair. You either hate Jaffa cakes or will turn a civilised cup of tea into a brawl with your siblings over the last one. Roma, all I ate in Italy were those sponge/cream cakey goodness, they have them in Spain and France too. The Kinder ones were amazing, but I dream about the Nesquik ones. HOWEVER I saw them in either Tesco or Asda recently.
Has anybody tried Oreo Cakesters?
I tried Jaffa cakes and got hooked on'm. I love the bitty ones cause you can pop'm in your mouth.
Oreo Cakesters = my love! Much better than reg. ones only topped by mint oreos!
We have ketchup chips here. [Canada]
Im not sure how that would ship though...
We also have anything & everything maple-syrup.
Oh! & we have Smarties.
I think Walkers (Lays) did ketchup flavoured crisps for a while, but there's a really cheap brand that do tomato flavoured crisps for about 10p
I seee. They're huge here. Many, many, many brands do them. Lays & Old Dutch are the biggest. Old Dutch's are thicker. [therefore, more calories. more calories= heaven.]
crisps are a bit of an addiction of mine I sometimes would choose them over sweets
Yeah, I'm a salt addict. :]
So what are Jaffa Cakes?
I want some. :]
Rosie i'm going 2 try to send ur stuff out this weekend sorry 4 the delay!
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