The ongoing wardrobe swap!

100 replies since 29th March 2008 • Last reply 29th March 2008

ohmygoodness, i love the red dress!!! if roma doesnt get it, i want it!!! i will crochet ya hat, too! can do it out of a lightweight material so it wont be too hot, i have lockies and wear a tam, since i use the "patience" method and my locks are cahhhraaaazey~

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ohmygoodness, i love the red dress!!! if roma doesnt get it, i want it!!! i will crochet ya hat, too! can do it out of a lightweight material so it wont be too hot, i have lockies and wear a tam, since i use the "patience" method and my locks are cahhhraaaazey~

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I reckons you should give it to tai 1!
I was looking at my wardrobe today and realised it was fit to burst and one day I ought to stop just getting things.

I'll still put some hats up though, in case anyone is interested!

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I reckons you should give it to tai 1!
I was looking at my wardrobe today and realised it was fit to burst and one day I ought to stop just getting things.

I'll still put some hats up though, in case anyone is interested!

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Are you sure, Roma? Cause it would be awesome to get a tam haha =P

Yeah I'd still like to see hats =)

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Ok first explanation:

These have NEVER been worn. Let me stress that. My sister bought them for me for christmas from San Francisco I believe, and well... I'm not the type of girl that can carry these things off. It's not my body that's the problem, these sorts of burlesque style panties look great on curvy girls, it's my confidence levels. I just don't feel confident wearing knickers that saucy. The back of them is quite high... they're supposed to come to about half way up the buttocks. It's labelled size L, but I'm a size 10, and I popped them over the top of my jeans for giggles once and they fit ok, if even a weeny bit stretched, if you want quite a ruffled look. I'd say they'd fit a six to a twelve, they're quite stretchy see. For obvious reasons they're not being modelled.

So yeah if you can rock this sort of thing, then not only am I madly jealous of you, but you're very welcome to them!

The colours are a bit exaggerated but they are indeed yellow and grey.

And um, things from previously in the thread I quite like:

Queenfairypants' red sparkly shoes
Queenfairypants' Care bear top
Knittin' Kitten's black and white dress from Shrinking Violet.

I feel so cheeky saying that, hehe.

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You like the maidy dress? Excellent.

I'd take you up on the pants but I don't think I could pull them off either haha

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Really? I thought they'd be right up your street! Did you get my dress in the post? I put it in on second class (i have no money.) on Thursday

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that reminds me! KK and opposites - you'll get your swap stuff next week maybe now, ran out of moneys again Happy

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yeh no probs, just let me know so that I can pick up something for you Happy

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Alright that works out welll for me Queenie, I have no money and then my bastard work messed up my pay check so instead of getting paid for four hours at time and a third, I got four hours at a third. Brilliant.

Ooh yeah Roma I did, I was gonna write you a letter back but then I didn't get round to it haha. I love it, it's beautiful! I'm gonna wear it tomorrow =)

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Roma hot undies! but not my style Happy Will u post ur hats soon i'm in dire need of some cute one's!

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What kind of hats do you want?

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i was thinking beret, cloche, or loosly knitted, what kinds of hats do u have?

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