Bag swap!

168 replies since 26th August 2011 • Last reply 26th August 2011

Here is the partners list, will also be added to the first post.

Cassie B and Pamela (you two were the only two not from UK! So you were partnered on location not bag)
Julie G & Nikki H
Claire sends to Siobhan R
Siobhan R sends to Bindiibabe
Bindiibabe sends to Claire A

Let me or your partner know if there are any problems. Don’t forget to communicate and swap addresses!

Send out date: Monday 26th September

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I'm so excited to swap with Pammerz!


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I have a crafting question, do most people use interfacing and/or lining for their bags? It's never something that I've done, but looking at how other people make bags they have a lining or have used interfacing, or both.

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Cool! My mind control exercises were working!! ;P
I'd already had a few ideas for if I got paired with Claire Happy

Almost always lining, interfacing added as and when required,depending on material etc.
The lining hides a multitude of sins as well as making the inside pretty ;D and makes adding internal pockets etc easier (I think)

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I feel the need for a trip to a fabric shop coming soon!
I did avoid pairing us together again Bindii, I must admit I looked at what people liked/wanted etc and used that because most people wanted the same size bags Tongue

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Always good to have an *excuse* for a fabric shopping trip!

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I feel unwanted.... Happy
Imagine someone telling you that they specifically AVOIDED swapping with you! On purpose!

Only joking ;P
It's nice to "meet" new people too!!
Besides, we're already swapping at the moment anyway Happy

(pink fur fabric?? Cunning! But it didn't throw me in the slightest! I had a bunch of ideas before plumping for the one I'm doing!)

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That pink fur came in a bag of scraps i bought and i was like "....... bugger its pink." then the stash swap came up and i was thinking about it, then got you so I just had to send it, although now i feel it isnt much seeing the amount everyone else sent :s

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Woot time to swap with cassie!!!

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yay!! i've messaged siobhan to get some more info...but looking around for some ideas. Happy Perfect timing for this swap now my daughter does mornings in school...i shall have 2 hours to myself 5 days a week!! Happy

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I have a story I just have to share:
I went to a fabric shop to get some interfacing today, I asked at the counter because I couldn't see any and the man said what type do you want so I said that I didnt know that there was more then one type, I wanted to make a bag. So he phones up a woman then passes the mobile to me and the signal cuts out so I'm standing there for a few minutes trying to get his attention to say what happened and when he turns around he asks me what I want so I tell him the signal went so I dont know. and he just looks at me like im stupid. by this time hes starting to get annoyed so i just say iron-on and he asks me what weight/thickness i want for it. i just ended up going for medium, i have no idea.
then after all that he got annoyed because some embroidery threads i was buying didnt have a price - they were in a box with others and some on a spool and the box was marked spools £1.50 and he starts ranting about how there is no price so he cant sell them. then he takes all similar threads out of the box and throws them away! (sad & shocked face) then he said i may as well just have the 2 i picked out. i was so tempted to say if you are going to throw them out I'll have them.
that man was rather scary, and didn't know his stuff.
rant/panic over lol
if i cant get the interfacing to work i shall do it without
to check: the shiny side goes against the "wrong" side of the fabric and i iron it. anything between the iron and the interfacing?

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Nikki, I'm sorry my bag is causing you so much trouble!

But yes with the interfacing it is wise to use something (maybe a tea towel) because otherwise you could end up with a sticky mess!

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It's ok, I have several ideas if the interfacing messes up, it is a new thing to me and previously i have only used thick, tough fabric or not worried about it being able to hold something heavy

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scary man, I'm lucky that at my local craft places the staff all know me (I even help out sometimes if they're busy) and they are all really knowledgeable, I don't know what I'd do if someone acted like that with me. Although I would probably tell him that he was in the wrong job and if he doesn't want to help the public he shouldn't work in retail.

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It annoys me when people who are rude work in retail!! Surely they'd be better off behind a desk somewhere annoying someone else other than the general public!

I went out to get supplies today so i can get started now! Happy

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