Quick Swap! Matchbox Edition!
aw yay im so glad you finally got it! and you like it all :]
hehe and im sure ill love whatever you made, dont worrys about sending me anything else
buttt i cant see the pic!! >.<
Here Ariel's hot glue gun creations.Pretty fancy and inspired me to use hot glue during class today with excellent results.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/essexdebs/5841108824/" title="Ariel's Matchbox by EssexDebs, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5025/5841108824_77166ee07c.jpg" width="437" height="500" alt="Ariel's Matchbox"></a>
@ Kasia- oh yay i see it now ^_^ i'm glad it all got to you safely! the round purple and white flower thing next to the cupcake charm is an eraser I made.. can't remember if I told you in the note already or not but just incase :x lol
Everyone else has received such beautiful little matchboxes also!
Can't wait till I get mine ^_^
@ Kiddo -I love that you did the matchbox drawer thing! I thought about doing the same for the swap so cute what you did!!
How many people here would be interested in a round 2? Soonish maybe beginning/middle of July? It was a really quick and easy swap so I actually have time for it! We could let new people join of course, but it is mainly to build onto the matchboxes we just received! and we could do multiple matchboxes if we decided to with our partners. ??
Id love a round 2 since I didnt get to do this one! But it would have to be middle of July or im gonna miss it again lol
Believe it or not, that's adhered with regular old Elmer's glue! I do swear by my hot glue gun, so I'm glad you got some good results with it! Your needlebook is hot glued. =)
Also Deb-
You posted pictures of yours before you showed me how to! Haha!
I absolutely love the earrings, and the story behind them is a HUGE reason. I will always treasure the items from this swap! <3
Yay I'm glad you got it :]
Ariel-it actually took that whole week to find enough time to make the How To Post an Image.First day of vacation and happy Mum that the teen passed his finals.
I'd be up for a second round and if Tiffany needs an early partner then that would work for me.
Deb- yay for passing finals!
Also up for round 2!
What if we started ROUND 2 like the 8th of JULY? SEND ON THE 15th?And Tiffany you and your partner can decided on your own send out date?
You guys tell me what week is best for you?
The 8th of July would work for me.
I'm up for a second round.
Sadly I still haven't recieved my matchbox for Pam
I hate international mail! Some things arrived superquick while other things take ages... You never know what you can expect..
Alright, so I eventually found the time to post pictures of Lisa W. awesome stuff! Lisa, you sent me *so* much stuff! I just sent one matchbox, I feel horrible! Whenever I find the time I'm sending you some extra stuff. Here's everything before opening: [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/228/11lisawmatchboxswap1.jpg/][IMG]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/8545/11lisawmatchboxswap1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] And this is after I carefully unpacked everything: [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/33/11lisawmatchboxswap2.jpg/][IMG]http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/2741/11lisawmatchboxswap2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] As you can see there are two (two!) matchboxes full of stuff (buttons the first one, beads the second one), a pair of earrings (unluckily it looks like the tin stars came off, I'm trying to fix them now) and a wonderful box of spices for hot tea, wine or cider! I absolutely love everything, thank you so much Lisa! I'm letting you know as soon as I try the spices, right now over here it's 30° C so it isn't the right time for hot beverages, but just wait till the fist chilly evening ;) How did you like what I sent to you?
Yes Pammerz, that sounds great, but I think I could send out on the 15th anyways
Don't worry about sending me more suff... Jump rings and I have never gotten along lol
And very much so, sadly I don't have much time for crafting right now though =/
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