My Etsy Shop

So, some of you know I've been working hard to get my Etsy shop back up and running.
Well, tonight I finally got a rush of 3am-progress!

Check out to see what I have up so far, and enter HIGHFIVE5 to save 5% if you buy anything.

I have tons of stuff that I'll be posting up in the next couple of days, so if soaps and other bath stuffs are your thing, check it out. Happy

Also, if you're on Facebook, I have a page just for it -- search for Discordia's Apple on FB and you should find it pretty easily.

I'd like to send a shoutout to you gals who have been so positive and supportive - you all brighten my day and you've helped me gain the energy to start up my shop again. Happy

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4 replies since 27th April 2011 • Last reply 27th April 2011

yey! Its cool that you've got your going again! I really want to buy once of your soaps, so let me know when you've got everything up on your page Happy

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great! could you tell me which soap you were talking about.

also about the free gift people were talking about on your other thread, try making little soaps. for a sample.

I used mini cupcake moulds for mine

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The Green Clean soap is the anti-acne soap. I made a bar for my fiance and he freakin loves it. lol

I have 4 soaps and a shampoo up now Happy Tonight I'm going to try to get scrubs and salts up.

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Everything is up now Happy Also, I'm having a giveaway on the Facebook page that I'm really excited about!

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