Swap request
Steam punk!
oh snap! another Trubie in the house ;] I soo wish I could do a True Blood swap! That is my showw!! hahaha
but unfortunately I wouldn't have time for something big like that.. maybe in a month or so??
but, Tiffany! I can't really do a decent Kawaii swap(like I'd like to).. but if you want to maybe do a small Kawaii-themed matchbox swap with me.. we could do something like that!!! Since they're small and easy I can def do it. Plus, you live in the US so it shall be super cheap to send ;]
let me know what ya think!!!
Hmm, I was thinking about starting a vampire- themed swap, this way we could pull in True Blood, Twilight, the Vampire Diaries, the classic Dracula and anything else. Or would a more generic "monster swap" more appropriate? What do you say? Who's with me?
@sally yeah I have no swaps going on at the moment that would be fine! Work is pretty crazy tho...so let me know what you were thinkin about a send out date?
Soooo, Tiffany & I decided to go through with a Kawaii Matchbox themed Swap! :]
We agreed on 2 matchboxes and I received hers today!
I sent hers out today also, so she should be getting them in a couple days:
The cute boxes ^_^
<a href="http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a119/sall3/craft%20stuff/?action=view&current=102_1921-2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a119/sall3/craft%20stuff/102_1921-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Stuff inside of em(left) - Extra stuff included(right)
( really cute markers/stamp roller/pen/pencil, kawaii memo sheets, & a kawaii memo pad~)
<a href="http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a119/sall3/craft%20stuff/?action=view&current=102_1925-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a119/sall3/craft%20stuff/102_1925-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Of course I love it all so much. Thanks so much for doing this with me Tiffany! :]
Can't wait until you get mine, I got yours so fast!<33
awww those are so cute!
Mary if you did a vampire swap I'd be down, but I'd really like to see a monster swap! I was just looking at a zombie plushie book at the store yesterday!!!
i have a zombie plushie book, the one that has tutes on here! and 2 zombie cupcake ones lol
i ♥ plushies and zombies!
i love swapping and making plushies
hehe I love swapping and making plushies too nikki ^_^
Would anyone be interested in a Kawaii themed ATC swap??
if not..
an Inchies swap?
It would be cool to have a big Inchie swap with alot of people if anyone else is interested!!
Florida, USA
International(y/n): YES
Status (newbie/vet): VET
Will swap with a newbie (yes/no): sure :]
Summary of swap wish: Kawaii-themed ATCs or Inchies!!
(we would decide on a theme for the inchies)
If someone does a Zombie swap, I will SO be down for that. I LOVE Zombies MMM Brains
Name: iashleycouture
Country: us
International (yes/no) : no
Status (newbie/vet): Newbie (completed newbie vs. vet)
Will swap with a newbie (yes/no): yes
Summary of swap wish:
Would anyone like to do a decoden / kawaii Swap.
-decoden swap: a small box with decoden items, or decoden suppliies such as rhinestones, pearls and glittery things.
-kawaii swap: a small box with kawaii items such as charms, erasers, food, sweets, and cute characters items.
- Grab bag: mix of Decoden, supplies, and kawaii items in a small box.
Some small box templates:
@Sally! Im glad you love them! I thought they were super cute and Im totally with you on Kawaii ATCs or inchies, I have this new recent obsession with anything Kawaii so Im totally down!
@Pam a monster plushie swap would be super fun towards halloween its my favorite holliday!
id love to swap with someone n receive gifts for my princess' 2nd bday (sept. 1, party is sept 4) she loves accessories. bags, necklaces, bracelets, clips n barretts. also loves spongebob, snow white (disney), dogs, kitties, and oh does she love fwows (flowers: )) i think itd be neat to introduce her to crafts made by a variety of people. i can crochet, make jewelry, sew, do little clay projects, etc. please let me know if anyone might be interested
Abbers. Sending you a message
Jolanda and I are doing a Butterfly Swap and will probably have it mailed out with a few weeks. Here is my teaser I had a lot of free time so I got mine done faster, lol.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/pascailpamela/6014298688/" title="2011-08-03 16.56.21 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6004/6014298688_69ac5522c4.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="2011-08-03 16.56.21"></a>
i would so be down for a monster plushie swap too!
@ashleycouture: I would be interested in a decoden/kawaii matchbox swap again :] I'll PM you~
@Tiffanynoelle: we should so do a Kawaii ATC or Inchies. haha I really love anything kawaii too.. but ATC and inchies would take more time and dedication than a matchbox so I would need a little more time for this one. I'm in the Dotee Doll swap right now so when I send that out I can work full force on it! :] we'll talk details soon <3
@Abbers: I would love to do a little swap with you as well if you would like another partner. :]
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