New Swap!! *DATE CHANGED to 21st*

60 replies since 22nd February 2008 • Last reply 22nd February 2008


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Yeah, same with me but i'm working on it today Happy

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hello ^-^
if there done would you all like to post some pictures? I love to see what you guys made for each other ^^

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The swaps send out date is june 7 so we'll be sure to post pics when it's done!

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Hey Guys i'm so sorry but is there any way we could post pone this swap for another week or so since i have finals that week

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that would be great! I still haven't started!

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lol We are terrible aren't we?! At least you guys have exams as excuses I'm just lazy ;)

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I'm lazy and i have finals, Lovely

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finals...oi evil least after the evil finals we can all relax for the summer vacations, yes?

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it's going to be a winter vacation for me!

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IT's winter in Australia??? Do u still get a long break?

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IT's winter in Australia??? Do u still get a long break?

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We get a 2 week break in winter. We get our long break at the end of the year for Christmas which is our summer vacation (no-one really uses that term though, over here) and it really is summer, it got to 45 C (113 F) on boxing day last year which is the hottest it has EVER been in Perth. Currently we have a long weekend, which lasts for four days! I'm going to get some of the craft stuff done this weekend

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I've done about half of it! But I have my two oldest friends and my boyfriend's birthday in June as well, so I'm making lots of things for them!

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