*~Happy Grams~* (Third Generation!)

328 replies since 10th February 2011 • Last reply 10th February 2011

Woot! I'm glad people are starting to recive the bundle of Happy Grams I sent out Happy And enjoying them!
Oh and I recived a beautiful Happy Gram from Jolanda! That had two small clay buttons and a cute red and white fabric flower ornament. (Red and White huh, lol she's trying to subconciously convert me to an Ajax fan! haha) But seriously I loved it! Very cute <3

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/pascailpamela/5695402418/" title="2011-05-06 16.45.25 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2274/5695402418_8eae01265e.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="2011-05-06 16.45.25"></a>

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I'm still waiting for my Happy Gram from Pam. I've been checking the mailbox everyday first thing in the morning, it should be along any day now Happy I was very nice of you to send one out to everyone Pammerz!

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Sending out a happy gram tomorrow... hope it makes the receiver smile. *high five*

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Pam, I recieved your beautiful handmade postcard today. What a wonderful thought to send it to everyone. Really made my day and it's now stuck in my journal Happy It's really pretty!

<a href="http://s1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee517/co-k-kasia/?action=view&amp;current=IMG_2091-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee517/co-k-kasia/IMG_2091-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Pam's Postcard"></a>

Thanks so much, Pam!

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Pam I got your happy gram last week Ive just been swamped with work to put a picture up! But I love it, its soo pretty Happy

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/61895839@N03/5701492257/" title="Happy Gram 2 by TiffanyNoelle21, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3021/5701492257_6485c463f9.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Happy Gram 2"></a>

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Dear Pam,
Thank you sooooooooooooo much for your HappyGram!
It came on the best day of the year, my Birthday! :-D

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I got a happygram from Pam today as well! Thank you so much it's very pretty Happy

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How cool is that Dragonfly! I am so happy everyone is starting to get their cards!

***If you dont recive your card from me after like a month please let me know! I WILL make you a new one. I dont want anyone feeling left out! ^_^ ***

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I got your card, Pammerz! No fossils this time! Happy Happy Happy

I'm sending out an happygram tomorrow morning, so I'll PM you for a new address ;)

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Sending my 3rd happy gram out in the morning Happy

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thanks pammerz! just got your card in my mail! xx

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I'll get mine sent within the hour if I can finish it fast enough.

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Finished 5:09.
Post office closes 5:00.

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4th hppy gram in the mail this morning, hope it finds its owner soon Happy

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My first happy gram will be going out in the post tomorrow! Happy

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