Postcard swap-round2-PARTNERS POSTED-

97 replies since 29th April 2010 • Last reply 29th April 2010

Violetta, yours is on its way (finally!), I hope you get it soon.

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Cant wait!It has a looong way to travel! Happy

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My partner is so flippin awesome, she had send Lillian her own postcard. Lillian got off the bus in a soggy mood and when we stopped at the mailbox I opened it up to find the postcard just for her. BIG SMILES!! Of course I didn't a pic cause the first thing she did after she read it she took it into her room and put it under her pillow. Then she came out and asked if she can make one. So sometime this weekend we will get that made and sent out to you this week! Thanks soooooooooooooo much Kim!!

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xoxoxox!!!!!!!! : D

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thank you kk!!!

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xoxo !!

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debs did you get yours yet?

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No sign yet- mail has been really weird recently-still looking forward to it arriving :0)

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My card arrived today thanks Nora Happy

Oh How I want to go back to scotland or just anywhere in the UK in general :'(

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Glad the postcard arrived, Rhibi....
With you wanting to go to Scotland, and me wanting to go to Australia, we should have arranged a house swap instead of a postcard swap!!
I'll be going to the place on the postcard in a few weeks, so I'll think about you Happy

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I'll be in on that swap too ;0)

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a house swap, fun!

I hope it didn't get lost :s

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ok, a lil late on the send out but mine is on it's way to Northerstar!!! Keep an eye open!

Oh and I got your too, will post a pic later!

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

love it!!
Thanks Sug!!!!!

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Lillian sent off hers this morning to you, Now Emma wants to get on the action lol. We also got another one from you the other day...dont remember what day, Lillian has been sick with a severe ear infection Happy

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